‘…Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart…’ Proverbs 3: 3

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The Rock

Writing Group

Hosted by Kay and Patrick Gillen

Writing Group

Patrick and I host a writing group one Saturday evening a month. We write on various topics and explore different literary techniques and styles. It is a close-knit group and we have a lot of fun together. We'd be pleased to welcome some new members.

Kay and patrick Gillen


Irrepressible spring

Irrepressible spring in joyous defiance of death and decay gently unfurls itself in
cherry and magnolia blossoms calling attention to our creator

who is as refreshing as the morning dew as compassionate as a nursing cat
as joyous as a sudden spurt
of Canada geese climbing the airwaves as generous as a rhododendron bursting forth in glorious colour

as faithful as the tide ever returning

inspiring us to turn our attention
away from grim news
toward the pure the good and the lovely.

Kay Gillen

Want to join Writing Group?

Use our church contact form and we will get back to you.


Just Like Us

Some say with disgust

that woman is an addict.

Others say with compassion

that addict is a woman

and there but for

the grace of God go I.

Just like us

she was wonderfully and fearfully

formed by the hands of God

with great tenderness and passion,

a perfect act of poetry.

Just like us God dreamed dreams for her,

dreams of her becoming

a sister, a mother, a friend,

a talented artist,

dreams he continues to dream.

Just like us

somewhere along her journey

she stepped off the path

into deep darkness,

a darkness that Christ has overcome

and he will relentlessly pursue

her until she comes home.

Will we join him in that pursuit?

Kay Gillen

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Kairos time

There is a time to do and a time to be

A time to rebel and a time to submit

A time to kick against the pricks

and a time to pull out the thorns of our rebellion

A time for singing and a time for silence

A time for gathering together and a time for solitude

A time for embracing what is

and a time for working for change

A time for walking with another

and a time for leaving the other alone

to walk with their God.

In this surreal time that none of us has ever known before, we ask ourselves the question,

is this a time to do or a time to be

and in this Cronos chaos

are there sacred Kairos moments that we can cling to? Kay Gillen

Words to sustain the weary

Several years ago, during a very difficult time, I felt God calling me to "learn the words that sustain the weary" (Is.50:4). Eventually these words found their way onto paper in the forms of poetry and theological reflections. I began submitting them to my church newsletter and continue to do so.

Then 5 years ago some friends assisted me in self-publishing a book of poetry called Joy in the Mourning which is a memoir of about 20 years of my life. I'm gradually collecting more poems,  hoping to publish another poetry book one day. Here is one of the poems from my book:

Kay Gillen

Like Thomas

Like Thomas, we too long to touch the invisible 
to make him divisible once again    
into skin, eyes, mouth and hands.   

We are not content with the merely mystical,  
Spirit being far too ethereal for us,    
too slippery to hold in our grasp.      

Like a child afraid of the dark,     
we cry out for someone with skin on      
who can comfort us as truly as a mother.       

Kay Gillen

The body of Christ is God with skin on.